Apart from the use of social media by the general public, a large portion of the online community is influenced by notable individuals, such as educators, government officials, celebrities, and such. How these individuals choose to utilize their social media and PLN somewhat differs from the general public; particularly in terms of targeted audience, as well as their level of influence through their profiles.

Taking government officials as an example, they tend to use social media as a means to promote engagement between themselves and their audience, promote campaigns, as well as management of government issues, as a form of communication towards the public. Celebrities and social media influencers also utilize their PLN and social profiles in their own style; taking on the concept of social media as a form of connecting with their audience and brands, as well as promoting their brands, portfolio, and various forms of art on the different platforms. While it might sound quite similar between the two comparisons in terms of general benefits of their usage, their form of communication and style of promotions differ drastically from each other in correspondence with their industry.

Upon some understanding of how notable individuals personalize their social media and PLN in accordance with their industry and audiences, oneself might easily think that curating a social media with a critical public audience is an easy feat as well. On the surface level, it might seem like a simple task; posting relevant media and promotion, as well as creating debate and discussion around oneself or industry. The reality of having a public audience following one’s social profile certainly has some consequences tied in with the benefits of it all. While receiving debate and online recognition is a positive aspect of personal promotion, all of that positive feedback and discussion could easily leave a negative impact on the individual as well as their position in the industry. It might have been a wrong selection of wording which caused criticism among the public, or controversial opinions or concepts; any number of reasons could have a massive negative impact on that individual just as quickly as they receive positive recognition in a different light. Under negative criticism, an individual in any industry could see themselves facing loss of profit and partnerships, or even jeopardizing their career and position in said industry. Although the benefits of a public figure utilizing their media space is quite large, their chances of failure and negative consequences are equally as large under poor management.

Where almost all public figures have faced negative criticism at some point in their career and social media usage, it is still important to understand how to address those critiques in an attempt to fix the public perception of that individual. In certain circumstances, a sincere apology or clarification of the controversial topic might help to decrease tensions among the debates, acknowledgement of said issue or misunderstanding is also a good way to change certain opinions from members of the general public. It is important to understand that while mistakes are common amongst everyone, a public figure holds a responsibility as someone in the spotlight as a role model to their respective audiences. As they hold a position in their industry, they also play a large role that has people looking up to them for guidance and
inspiration. While promotion of their social media and PLN is important, their ability to dissolve high tension situations is just as crucial in their success as public figures.